Michael's Lockdown Reading Recommendations — Dynamic Fitness

Michael's Lockdown Reading Recommendations


Hello Everyone! I hope you  are all doing well, and making it through lock down all okay!

It looks like we're going to be carrying on for a few more weeks now, and I know many of you have been struggling to find motivation. Those of you who have pushed on, congratulations! For those who have stumbled a bit, do not worry. Despite how it feels, this lockdown will pass and getting back into form will come along, and as always, your team at Dynamic Fitness will be right behind you the whole time.

So what have I been doing? Reading and trying new stuff, more than ever there's been a plethora of online courses and classes appearing so now seems like a great time to absorb some new skills. Why not give it a go?

This week I'm practising yoga along side my running. There's a lot of online classes about and it's something I've never gotten too into, I'm following a series from Yoga with Adriene (https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene/playlists) to get into the practice. Maybe you'll see a bit of yoga sprinkled into your sessions in the future!

Book wise, here's my current top books for fitness:

1) What Comes First, cardio or weights? by Alex Hutchinson.

A fantastic read that gives solid, science backed and university studied answers to some of the most common questions in fitness. A fantastic myth buster and counter balance to some of the faux information floating about.

2) Periodization Training for Sports. by Tudor Bompa

This book is always high on my list and forever recommended to every sports professional I meet. When you know your exercises, this is the ultimate book on how to put them together more effectively to reach your goals. It's a wordy and far from easy to access book made for people who know fitness and want to laser refine their craft.

3) Strength and Speed's Guide to Elite Obstacle Racing. by Evan Perperis

I got his  book to help me out with Tough Mudder, but the information inside is an interesting read all around. It completely rehauled how I approach running training for the better, but also goes into depth on nutrition, race preparation, equipment, functional and supplementary training, but more importantly goes into fantastic depth on mindset and attitude for ultra runners. 

4)THE FITNESS CHEF: Eat What you Like and Lose Weight for Life. by Graeme Tomlinson.

This book is a fantastic way to reset mind and have a no bull approach to diet and eating right, which for many people is the hardest thing to do in fitness. It's presented in simple info-graphic form and keeps it so simple to follow. Graeme takes pride in squashing nutrition myths, marketing bull and dealing in truths. A real eye opener for anyone that can't quite get their diet in line.

5) The Body: A Guide for Occupants. by Bill Bryson.

Okay, it's not a fitness book. But it's a fantastic look into the function and history of the human physiology and psychology. Well researched, easy to read and follow it really is an amazing guide to yourself and how it functions.