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Injuries - turning negative into positive

At Dynamic Fitness we deal with lots of injuries in the Studio. One thing we always say is 'there are always some other muscle groups you can work'.  Our trainers  find them, and make sure our clients always have a safe and effective session. 

A couple of weeks ago Ross sprained his ankle at a Korfball Tournament. Nothing serious but it has meant no running for a couple of weeks, together with some icing and elevating to speed up the recovery. 

So how do you turn this into a positive?? 

Quite simply, find something else you enjoy and use the opportunity to train different muscles....

Last week, Ross swam the most he has ever swam in a week and is now seeing improvements in the water. Some gentle kicking has even helped the ankle!

So if you have a niggle, remember there is always something you can do, and If you need any advice just contact us at Dynamic Fitness and we'll make sure we keep you on track :)