WIN the "FIGHT" with Kyle Ward — Dynamic Fitness

WIN the "FIGHT" with Kyle Ward

Do you want to win the 'FIGHT' against FAT & STRESS?

Dynamic Fitness's very own Kyle Ward has the solution and the winning mentality to help you win the "Fight" against Fat (read more below....)


Kyle has over 20 Years of Combat experience and has won numerous trophies locally, nationally and internationally. 

"I have Kicked and Punched my way into helping clients achieve their Fitness Goals by using a variety of combat exercises that I have used myself when I was competing. I have also found this has helped my clients achieve great Physical and Mental Fitness Levels too."

"Combat has helped me in so many ways both mentally and physically, when I first started I had a lot of built up energy, some days I had a lot of built up stress too, so I joined a club and learnt the art of Combat. Over the years I have watched and learnt how my body reacts to many different scenarios from weight loss, weight gain, FAT LOSS and having a lean and toned body."

"My Stress levels have changed dramatically from just punching and kicking pads,  and I have learnt how to channel the stress safely and effectively. I would love to pass on my knowledge and levels of wisdom to help you achieve your goals and for you to have less 'STRESS' or become 'STRESS FREE'."

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