Changing my Running Style by Ross Lenton (Part 2)

I have now been back 5 weeks from my amazing Wedding and Honeymoon, and I've been back on the mission to change my Running Style. 


One thing is clear: 4 weeks of paradise definitely makes you slower... For the first time I was running Parkrun in over 20 mins (20:20) and it's taken me a few weeks to get it back under (last week was 19:40). 

Using my new Newton running shoes I decided to structure in some forefoot running. I started running my 5k's with running the last 1k on my forefoot. It felt faster and easier! 

I'm lucky enough to train lots of amazing clients everyday so I started running on the forefoot with them too. One thing was clear, I had to be careful not to do too much like that, as my calves and achilles were getting tender. It's all about changing gradually. 

Last week I did the last 2k of the parkrun on my forefoot. For the first time my last 2kms were as fast as my first 2kms! 

So it looks good but the proof if this works better for me will be whether I can get to my parkrun PB - 19:05. I'll keep you all updated :)